On 19th of October 2021, 3D Project Studio did the 3D Mapping Show on the building of the Ministry of Culture in Skopje named "80 years since the first shot - culture and art = disobedience". The mapping art described the struggle and liberation from the fascism in our country, the dark times and the desire for freedom. The project was directed by the professor Milcho Uzunov and the author of the music is the renowned Macedonian composer Kokan Dimushevski.
On 27 April 2021 for the one year anniversary of North Macedonia as a member of NATO, 3D Project Studio did another 3D Mapping Show for the NATO Liaison Ofiice in Skopje on the building of the Ministry of Defence. The project was directed and written by Milco Uzunov, the music was composed by Kokan Dimushevski and the lighting, design and sound was produced by 3D Project Studio - Skopje.
3D Project Studio is a pioneer in the production of 3D Mapping in North Macedonia. The first and the biggest production of 3D Mapping in Macedonia was in 2012 for a commercial of the opening of City Mall in Skopje. The mapping was produced on the western stage of the City Mall building with dimensions of 32m x 18m, and a Barco projector was used with a capacity of 45,000 ANSI / Lum, from the audio and video rental company DVD PET - Skopje. The video mapping was produced by Milcho Uzunov, it was directed by Zlatko Slavenski, and the music was composed by Duke Bojadziev.
On the multimedia festival "Skopje Light Art District Festival 2018," 3D Project Studio presented its latest 3D Mapping Show under the title "Timeline", which was shown on an area of 448m2. The mapping was projected at the "Dom Ibni Pajko" building in the center of Skopje.The show was directed by Zlatko Slavenski, the 3D Mapping animator was Dejan Mircevski, the music was composed by Kokan Dimusevski and the 3D Mapping solution was by Milcho Uzunov.
3D mapping on the Macedonian Parliament building during the parliamentary elections in 2019.